Gina Tibbott
The Life History of Pottery
Gina’s life revolves around mud. By day she’s an archaeologist, uncovering narratives left behind by ancient artifacts - and in particular, by pottery. Pottery, to Gina, is a diary of time and place.
Read about Gina’s methodology, inspiration, past projects and future plans in UNICA Issue 1.
Shared Human Behavior
Much of the pottery that Gina has excavated and studied is used in people’s daily lives. These vessels reveal how people ate, drank, and stored food and essentials. But on the macro level, pottery for Gina serves as a lens to reveal people have lived through their collective behaviors.
Imagery of the Past
Gina’s work is imbued with a lot of imagery to remind us of the past. She textures her pieces with careful repetition, a patience that you can imagine with which she handles precious artifacts.